Festive Foodie Friday : Mini Halloween Cookie Nibbles

I cannot believe we're already over halfway thru September. I'm finally getting back into the routine now that our oldest is in school. And, with Monday being our little one's 3rd birthday . . . that means it will be time to start decorating for fall next week. With that comes Halloween. Since today is Festive Foodie Friday, I just had to share these super adorable Mini Halloween Cookie Nibbles from Crafted Cookies. The little itty bitty candy corn and ghost sugar cookies are absolutely ADORABLE!

For $21 you'll receive 18 mini Ghost & 18 candy corn 1 inch cookies - the absolute perfect way to celebrate Halloween. Order Your Miniature Halloween Cookies today and they will arrive the week before Halloween. Be sure to check out the Crafted Cookies shop for so many more adorable cookies for any and all parties imaginable.

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