Lil Edible: Simple Homemade Baby Food Ideas

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend and were able to spend some quality time with your family and friends. Today we have a Lil Edible to share with you that I stumbled upon from Michelle of Rust & Sunshine. On her blog, Michelle takes you through her process of making baby food from scratch with helpful hints on which food combinations tend to work the best. You can find her basic tips and instructions by clicking {here}.

She also shares a great idea of using ice cube trays to separate and freeze the food purees, which can then be transferred to ziploc storage bags for future use. I just {LOVE} this idea of creating the perfect-sized individual portions that can be thawed overnight or microwaved for immediate use.

Images courtesy of Michelle DuPuis - Rust & Sunshine. We invite you to visit her blog for more great recipes, crafts and FREE downloads!